Hello, London!

Founder Here!
When not Hello, Historying, I'm a graphic designer/communications freelancer. Being as Hello, History is new, my work serves to move us forward. 

I've been so insanely, deeply fortunate that my skills have lead to employment, and that that employment 
has lead to invitations to travel. I've worked four conferences this year, and launched three websites.
Of course, anyone whose traveled for business can tell you that you don't get to see or do much while you're there...but I was deeply, supremely lucky that I'd saved enough to stay a few days, and even more fortunate that my Mama decided to join me!

We were able to have a whirlwind of a trip--Somerset House, the Tower of London, Buckingham Palace, Harrods, Kensington Palace, Hyde Park, Big Ben. For me, it was an amazing experience to be so close to
 the places where so many of my favorite historical figures LIVED. 

And of course, I was VERY lucky to have my Mama with me. She was endlessly patient with my rigorous schedule and endless nerdy chatter. 

It was a once in-a-lifetime event that was all the more special because this time last year, the idea for this little company didn't even exist: and now it's not only alive, but thriving, largely thanks to the amazing people here and on Twitter and Pinterest, who share your photos, ideas, and inspirations with me! Keep them coming!  

Inspired Characters


England was a creative, nerdy, historical dream, and some new characters made our list:

Tour Guide
1) Mary, Queen of Scots

2) Additional "companion" sites: the Tower, Versailles (yes it's French, we know), Parliament
3) Lady Jane Grey (she's been suggested before but I didn't think I had enough to go on her: I was wrong!)
4) Prince Albert
5) Jack the Ripper (composite) for Hello, Halloween
6) Sir Walter Scott
7) Bronte sisters
Who do you want to see?
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